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About Us


Having operated our own dewatering plant for the past nineteen years and searching for a portable septic receiving station that works, we have designed and built a simple, affordable, easy to use and high-capacity septic receiving station that really works! Constructed of aluminum and stainless steel screens, the Dual Screen Design has two screens on opposing angles with the front screen being virtually self-cleaning. The bar screens feature a 3/8" gap with 1/4" x 1" bars with a screening area of 16 to 51 square feet (depending on model) allowing for high-capacity offload and cleaner biosolids.


The land application site where our biosolids are spread demanded cleaner solids which became the necessity for a better septic receiving station. After having tried several different commercial screening systems on the market, none could be found that would not plug with hair or that could filter septage at an acceptable volume. Multiple designs were built and tested with the current models displayed here having been in commercial use for over 7 years.  We stand behind our products, we've seen cleaner bio-solids, faster offload times and improved productivity. Our biosolids are virtually garbage free and our customers have noticed the difference as well. At the present time at our treatment plant, we are processing over 2,000,000 gallons per year with a proven system that has no moving parts, is simple to operate and requires little to no maintenance and can be setup and used anywhere.

Image by Federico Respini

Get a free estimate!  Call Now: 1-208-790-8770

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